Lose fat and get the body you always wanted. Calculate and track your body fat % and much more. Body Tracker can calculate, store, and display results for an unlimited number of users.
Main features:
- Quickly and easily calculate your body fat percentage with a fat caliper, using Jackson and Pollock 3, 4, or 7-site method, Parillo method, or Durnim/Womersley method
- Also works with a tape measure, using the standard Naval Health Research Center method
- Can also be used with body fat scales
- Includes images and video so you will know how to take your caliper or tape measurements
- Record your body tape measurements as you lose inches of body fat
- Costs $19.95 and has a 30-day money-back guarantee
- Display pictures of yourself with your corresponding body measurements as you lose body fat so you can easily see your progress
- Calculate your BMI and BMR
- Record your blood pressure to maintain a healthy lifestyle